I RESOLVE is a collective response to the energy and public discourse that marked 2017 – a year when the loudest, and often most bellicose voices, competed for airtime and left many both exhausted, sharply divided and ready for a new way to communicate. One that will help bridge gaps with understanding and compassion, and most of all – with resolve
The project launched with an event-based activation where attendees were invited to take place in a workshop designed by Ashley Davidson to help them to explore how each could use their influence, connections, backgrounds and skills to better understand one another, mend the schisms impacting our society and make a positive impact. The goal was to identify an achievable action we each could take to work towards that end. This action became a personal statement of RESOLVE that was then committed to paper to be carried out in the days to come.
“Resolve is an earnest commitment; it’s also the settling of conflict. As high-achieving and creative women, we’re good at doing both. And when we embrace ourselves as a whole – strong, fierce and compassionate – we can be truly powerful."
From Jen Hays, CoFounder of The Broad Exchange

Following the workshop, each participant was invited to share their personal RESOLVE. These moments were captured in the film shot by Keziban Barry shown above and in portraits by photographer Subodh Samudre. The goal was to capture the energy of their RESOLVE while they sat immersed in a set that was designed with clear quartz crystals to amplify each person's intention and create a visual radiance that symbolizes the power that individual is projecting into the environment around them.
When shared, these photos also offer a way to communicate the pure power of RESOLVE with the world around the subject and garner support and accountability to help bring their intention into fruition.
Re-entering the workplace, is a fleet of women with intentions set to create a positive impact NOW. Together, we RESOLVE to demonstrate that standing up for what you believe while also being vulnerable is achievable. We RESOLVE to influence a new wave of leaders that believe in standing up to might, and taking time to understand and respect each other
I resolve to organize a 'Healing for Justice' workshop that focusses on helping white people confront white supremacy – internally and externally – with compassion.
Cassady Fendlay - Head of Comms, Women's March
I resolve to mentor the next crew coming up behind me – the, men, women, boys and girls, but especially a lot of the girls – so they know they can do ANYTHING.
Tina Mintus - Editor & Owner, KYLE NY
I resolve to encourage women into leadership positions so we can get closer to a 50% gender balance in those roles and truly begin to see what change can look like.
Elizabeth Kheiner - Global Design Director, IBM
I resolve to address my emotions more rationally so others will be challenged to address theirs as well.
Fati Jafri - Art Director, Freelance / Artist
I resolve to empower women around me to speak up and act so we don't submit to situations that make us unhappy.
Melissa Noble - Copywriter, Freelance
I resolve to start a "wake up" instagram account to deliver white folks the tools, resources and actions they need in order to reach the conclusion that systemic racism, white suppremecy and inequality exist and we can collaborate to dismantle it.
Sally Rumble - Chief Happiness Office, Creative Mornings
I resolve to encourage focussing on common goals instead of focussing on common enemies.
Marlene Bartos - Managing Director & Executive Producer, Yessian
I resolve to be purposeful in my presence and forwarding in my momentum to generate an expanded sense of gratitude, mindfulness and empowerment to myself and those around me.
Keziban Barry - Cinemetographer
I resolve to write thank you notes to someone who's given me great advice to create a world where I have more gratitude.
Shelly Chung – Creative Director, Shelly Chung Design
I resolve to create more opportunity for growth and encourage inclusion.
Jojo Mu - Freelance Senior Producer
I resolve to listen when others speak their truth to build a world in which we (whether we be strangers or friends) connect on a level that inspires intimacy and authenticity.
Trice Capobianchi - Production Artist
I resolve to put more of my time, energy, and heart into projects that truly mean something to me and have a positive impact on my community.
Sarah Farrand - Executive Producer
I resolve to respond to conflict with curiousity to help build a world where we can talk across our differences and try to understand one another.
Ashley Davidson - Founder & Creative Director, Citizen / CoFounder, The Broad Exchange
I resolve to invest in tangible community to help build a world where we treat each other with dignity and respect.
Emma Banks - Editor, Milk.xyz
This project relied and continues to rely on the skills and volunteer efforts of a talented team.
Keziban Barry
Director of #IRESOLVE films
Subodh Samudre
Photographer of #IRESOLVE portraits
Creative Director of set concept
Sarah Farrand
Executive Producer
Leah Bradley
Event/Experiential Producer
Trice Capobianchi
Set Design & Production
Jen Hays
Creative Director
CoFounder of The Broad Exchange
Ashley Davidson
Creative Director
CoFounder of The Broad Exchange
Adrianna Merlucci
Nylon Studios
Original Music
Jesse Watt
Press Kitchen
Public Relations
Anthony Vagnoni
Communications Specialist
Elizabeth Nesmith
Jade White
Studio Manager, Event Coordinator
Karleah Del Moral
Camera Operator
Michelle Capobianco
Production Assistant
Reggie Chelsom
Production Assistant
Fati Jafri
Event Greeter
I RESOLVE Small Group Leader
Tasha Cronin
I RESOLVE Small Group Leader
Jamie Bendell
I RESOLVE Small Group Leader
Lauren Budzichowski
I RESOLVE Small Group Leader
Seth Hosko
Event Photographer
Blonde + Co
Studio Space